1916 Book

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Revolutionary War patriots, Continental Congress members, Whigs, & a Presidential Elector

Dr. John Condict (spelled with a second "c"), is one of my ancestors, and his name was spelled Condict not Condit like that of his cousin branch surname adopted by others and by later generations of the family tree. John's surname is so noted and documented in numerous congressional and historical publications, including the following:

Congressional Directory of 1903:  https://archive.org/stream/cu31924096059690#page/n475/mode/2up @ page 467 (actually page 476 of 916 pages in the directory), shows Condict (not the Condit surname), for historical and patriotic Condict congressmen : Silas,  Silas, Dr. Lewis and Dr. John Condict.

The Condict surname has apparently been misspelled by others on the internet who have likely relied upon the 1885 & 1916 family genealogy books from its Condit Family Association and Condit authors who numbered and named nearly all CondiCt descendants with their surname Condit.

 Dr. John Condict descended from Samuel, from Samuel, from Peter, to John, the Norman ancestor of  Wales (1678 to America), and whose cenotaph/memorial erected by the Honorable Silas Condict ( http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=16024602 ), names the first three generations of the family as Condict (with the second "c"). Find A Grave link to cenotaph for John, and his son Peter, and memorial to first three generations of family known as Condict and Condit: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=12179447 .

Dr. John Condict, surgeon of the Revolutionary War, under Col Van Cortland's battalion (Heards Brigade, June 29,1776), is also historically documented in the "History of Essex and Hudson County of New Jersey" by William Shaw, 1884, Philadelphia, (source:  Strykers Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolutionary War), at Chapter XI, at page 31: https://archive.org/stream/historyofessexhu01shaw_0#page/n43/mode/2up

First Major and Lt. Col. David Condict is also noted at the same source above, at page 31 of the Second Regiment of Militia from Essex County, New Jersey. His name has also been misspelled as Condit in many sources who likely relied up the old Condit Family Association genealogy books as their source for the surname.

Dr. Lewis Condict: b. 1773-1862, Morristown, NJ; He was a practicing MD; He was a Whig in NJ legislature, and served as Speaker of the House, NJ, 1808-1810,his last 2 years, serving as state leg. 1805-1810; He was a NJ Rep. in its 12,13,14,17-22nd Legislatures; In 1840, he was a presidential elector on the Harrison/Tyler ticket (source: page cited above at page 467 in Congressional Directory of 1903)http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=12179485
and at wikipedia:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Condict

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